
Piranometer MS-80 Eko Instruments

Piranometer MS-80 Eko Instruments
Location: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares – IPEN – São Paulo
Lat:-23.5607, Long: -46.7398
Response Time (Output 99%): <1 Sec
Zero Off-Set A: 1 W/m2
Long-Term Stability: ±0.5 % per 5years
Non-Linearity: ±0.2%
Directional Response: ±10 W/m2
Spectral Sensitivity: ±3%
Tilt response: ±0.2%
Wavelength range: 285 to 3000 nm

Piranometer (right) installed on top of the CLA building (Photo: Fabio Lopes)